You can actually lose every attitude, every personality identity, every affectation you have ever taken on, you can liberate yourself from each and everyone of them, and you can never lose your magical ...
by Dex Gelfand
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by Dex Gelfand
You can actually lose every attitude, every personality identity, every affectation you have ever taken on, you can liberate yourself from each and everyone of them, and you can never lose your magical ...
by Dex Gelfand
“I developed a whole identity around that moment! When that happened, I began to assign myself all the responsibility for someone else’s life, for whatever they were suffering or struggling with, I’ve been ...
by Dex Gelfand
Thanks Dex, I have a whole new outlook, I’m no longer so insecure in my being that I find the prospect of locking myself into a set attitude necessary or desirable. Being facile ...
by Dex Gelfand
Now I have no more sensation of shock, and no feeling of fear about moving forward into the future, that’s very different from how I felt at the beginning of this session. Now ...
by Dex Gelfand
There is no such thing as a generic occurrence. Every moment, every circumstance is unique in all it’s factors and characteristics, and so cannot be adequately, fairly or accurately explained or dealt with ...
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