Feel free to contact me through the email form below.

If you like, in your message, you can include a way for me to talk with you. I can call you if you are anywhere in the U.S. or we can Skype anywhere you have a good enough internet connection to view my videos. My clients are literally scattered around the globe, welcome aboard!

If you'd like to talk via Skype, in the message, leave me your Skype I.D. or send a Skype contact request to me at Dexter.gelfand, and the best days and times to reach you - and what time zone you're in, and we'll be on our way to a new, fun and rewarding adventure!


Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling

Your true inner self is too beautiful to waste your existence having it submerged beneath layers of pain, fear, inhibiting and enforcing attitude and dysfunctional defense. Come to me do the work and be free.