Relief from fears, anxieties, unwanted conditions and troubling feelings!

Dexter Gelfand

Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling

Personally providing effective and game-changing help via Internet video for over 10-years. Your first & best counseling option.

This is what I’d hoped for, but never thought would be achievable for me! Fantastic! I’m excited and looking forward to living life and seeing things anew, thanks Dex!


I'm Offering to Teach You
How to Manifest What You Desire

Dex Gelfand is an internationally recognized leader in the field of spiritually oriented therapeutic counseling and a pioneer in the practice of online sessions, with clients spanning the globe.

Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling, is based on the principle that we are all endowed with our own spiritual compass, which presents the mental and spiritual material we most need to address.

Invited and permitted to express, this basic and natural instinct presents the most relevant negative spiritual architectures, which, thus exposed, provide for the greatest meaningful and substantial desired change and improvement we seek.

Dex’s time is divided between personally conducting sessions with individuals and mentoring and training other practitioners in his approach and techniques.

Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling recognizes that the practitioner’s function is to help the participant to accomplish whatever he or she is seeking.

What People Are Saying

Being that at the end of the day, what matters most is how things leave you feeling, and we all look at the prospect of sessions from the perspective of how we do and don’t want to wind up feeling, I’ve collected a sampling of my clients expressing how they feel during or at the end of their sessions with me. This is a small sampling from over the past year, all quotes verbatim and unsolicited:

“I feel calm and peaceful!”

"Things don’t feel so disconnected or dangerous, I can trust more, this is great! Very good session!"

"This is the most relaxed I’ve ever felt! My heart feels lighter!"

"I feel lightness, new possibilities, I feel a caring for and a oneness with everything around me, and I feel lucky to have it all!"

"I feel an absence of defensiveness, I’m blissed out right now!"

"I feel fun, lightness, not so serious, everything feels easier!"

"My perception of so many things I’ve encountered is so different! That feels so good!"

"I literally feel like I’ll never have that problem and that bad feeling again, I’m so excited, I can be at peace!"

"I can relax into just being me, it feels wonderful!"

"Wow! The chest pain I’ve been having is gone, and I don’t even know what it was we we were processing anymore!"

"I feel super-confident! This is exactly what I wanted!"

"I could feel the fear falling away, wow, I have a warm feeling!"

"That feeling was plaguing me for three years, now its gone, I feel so relaxed I could take a nap, its a great relief!"

"That sense of fear was always there for me. This is a major turning point for me!"..

"I feel more energy, more space, more expansive, wow! What’s next?"

"Things seem more interesting!"

"I feel really good, and expanded"

"I feel I’m a completely changed person since we started sessions! Its been a game-changer! I thought I was going to need anti-depressants before I called you!"

"That feeling is gone! Everything feels really good! I really appreciate how incredibly good you are at this, Dex!"

"That attitude is gone, I feel freedom and relief!"

"The thing I was so troubled about doesn’t even matter at all! Thank you Dex, that was incredibly insightful!"

"I feel like me again right now! I feel really good!"

"This feels so nice! (Laughing) Wow, thank you Dex"

"I’m enjoying this right now, its like the end result of each session is better than the previous session!"

"Now I’m really blissed out! I appreciate myself more. This is priceless!"

"Since my last session, strangers come up to me and start talking!"

"Now I have the feeling that everything works out, I don’t need to worry so much anymore"

"I can accept myself, I love it!"

"I feel a peacefulness and harmony, and much appreciation for you, Dex!"

"Its a great feeling, its such an improvement!"

"It feels incredible to be done with that attitude, it was such an influential part of my mind!"

"I don’t have that heightened anxiety response anymore!"

"The whole thing is resolved, you’re really good at this, its so gratifying!"

You're in the right place.

Issues & Remedies:

Let’s take a look at how I will help you to resolve your specific problem area(s):

Anxiety, depression, irritability, impatience, feeling of defeat or resignation:

The Spiritual Digestion technique is tailor-made to resolve and put an end to such persistent disturbing feelings.

Having the same situations or conditions happening over and over again:

My Resolution Technique is the answer to repeating or chronic negative conditions.

Displaying attitudes or behaviors that aren’t who you really are:

For these, depending on your answer to the first question I will ask you, either the False Me Unraveling technique or the Personality Image Projection technique will be the key to undoing.

Having difficulty in finding a romantic partner:

For this, depending on what we will determine is manifesting as the difficulty, any of the above techniques could come into play; one or more will be exactly what’s needed to open up the possibilities for you.

In any and all situations, it is not at all unusual for 2 or more techniques to be what’s needed as we unravel the laters of internal material that has been getting in your way. In any case, the end result will be the relief you are seeking.

Being stuck in resistive, uncooperative and restrictive tendencies:

The Stubbornly Held Protective Attitude technique will strip these away.

Rough Relationships:

My Harmony Restoration technique works documented miracles to fix rough relationships, be they romantic, family, work, social or other connections, in fact, it is not unusual to see the other person actually have a better attitude about you after your processing! One of the miracles of Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling.

Inability to shake off the persistent feelings of something that was a shock for you:

The Moment of Shock Resolution technique can free you from what nothing else you’ve tried will, leaving you with a wonderful feeling of relief.

Spiritual enlightenment and advancement:

The prime technique for spiritual enlightenment and advancement is the Spiritual Reclamation technique. It can bring about very profound results. Spiritual enlightenment and advancement also happens in doing any technique of Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling, and there are other specific techniques for this purpose.

What is Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling?

Relief from fears, anxieties, unwanted conditions, and troubling feelings!

Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling is based on the principle that we are all endowed with our own spiritual compass, which presents the mental and spiritual material we most need to address.

Invited and permitted to express, this basic and natural instinct presents the most relevant negative spiritual architectures, which, thus exposed, provide for the greatest meaningful and substantial desired change and improvement we seek.

In experiencing any technique of therapeutic spiritual counseling, there is no “work”, no effort, no digging, no pushing or pulling. Take whatever arises in you through your spiritual compass in response to the question or direction.

Just let your spiritual compass deliver whatever it will in response to the question or direction, to and through you, simply be an empty vessel to be filled with the content that comes to you.

Feel, without effort, resistance or reaction, the energies that are released through you, like drinking a cup of hot tea, and feeling the heat flow through you and dissipate. Nothing that occurs to you will be random and unrelated to the subject at hand, so don’t dismiss what you’re getting, just take what you’re getting. It will all prove relevant, as you simply take that ride.

Uncomfortable feelings or sensations connected to the matter can occur and then pass, incidents and events can come to mind, one after the other, all carriers of the energies expressing as the same feelings, emotions, and sensations.

Simply let these flow through you, for as long as they may continue, until you no longer feel any presence of the energies or the feelings. Until the attitudes or sensations are no longer present. As these express and naturally spiritually digest, things will clarify, the disturbing material will no longer be, and you’ll be left with such feelings as relief, serenity, joy, enthusiasm, freedom, confidence and satisfaction.

Love always,


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