May 21


Samantha’s first session here:

Samantha has had a long history with the C of S, and a few days ago, she had her first session with me. A couple of days later, this is what Samantha wanted to share:

Hi Dex 🙂

What I need to tell you is that I feel different, I realized it right after the session…

First thing I did, I called (personal) and I told him about the session.
What he said is: “Your voice sounds so happy, like you sounded 30 years ago”,
And I had a very straight communication with him about some things in his life.
I felt a change, in the way I said things, just got all out very directly, you know – without the slightest little doubt if I may say this or that.

I felt completely present, and he acknowledged that too, and when I came downstairs again, I was so full of joy, I started laughing, for no reason, as I first thought – then Something totally unexpected came up:

I lost loneliness, the absolute certainty, that nobody understands ME – not what I am saying – but ME.

That’s new and its such a big change and gift to me.

I used to very often talk around things, to adjust my message to the one I was talking to, and in a way, which made me feel real uncomfortable.

I realized last night, that my words are not that important – and did i ever have a doubt about the message I want to get out – NO, so in the future there will be much shorter comm from me, but on the point.


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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling