You’re in the right place.

Issues and Remedies:

Let’s take a look at how I will help you to resolve your specific problem area(s):

Anxiety, depression, irritability, impatience, feeling of defeat or resignation:

The Spiritual Digestion technique is tailor-made to resolve and put an end to such persistent disturbing feelings.

Having the same situations or conditions happening over and over again:

The self that maintains that narrative is not the true you, and so my technique for resolving an identity is the answer.

Displaying attitudes or behaviors that aren’t who you really are:

For these, depending on your answer to the first question I will ask you, either the False Me Unraveling technique or the Personality Image Projection technique will be the key to undoing.

Being stuck in resistive, uncooperative and restrictive tendencies:

The Stubbornly Held Protective Attitude technique will strip these away.

Rough Relationships:

My Harmony Restoration technique works documented miracles to fix rough relationships, be they romantic, family, work, social or other connections, in fact, it is not unusual to see the other person actually have a better attitude about you after your processing! One of the miracles of Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling.

Having difficulty in finding a romantic partner:

For this, depending on what we will determine is manifesting as the difficulty, any of the above techniques could come into play; one or more will be exactly what’s needed to open up the possibilities for you.

In any and all situations, it is not at all unusual for 2 or more techniques to be what’s needed as we unravel the laters of internal material that has been getting in your way. In any case, the end result will be the relief you are seeking.

Inability to shake off the persistent feelings of something that was a shock for you:

The Moment of Shock Resolution technique can free you from what nothing else you’ve tried will, leaving you with a wonderful feeling of relief.

Spiritual enlightenment and advancement:

The prime technique for spiritual enlightenment and advancement is the Spiritual Reclamation technique. It can bring about very profound results. Spiritual enlightenment and advancement also happens in doing any technique of Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling, and there are other specific techniques for this purpose.

Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling

Your true inner self is too beautiful to waste your existence having it submerged beneath layers of pain, fear, inhibiting and enforcing attitude and dysfunctional defense. Come to me do the work and be free.