April 23



Open us up to the infinite ocean of love in life.
This is done effortlessly, letting lightly and easily fall away any objections that arise.

Take whoever crosses your mind first, and:

Let that person have and feel your full permission, and encouragement to fully recognize, have, and feel their love for themself.

Let that person have full permission to fully recognize, have, and feel others’ love for them.

Let that person have your full permission to fully recognize, have, and feel your love for them.

Let yourself have your full permission to fully recognize, have, and feel your love for them.

Let yourself have your full permission to fully recognize, have, and feel that person’s love for you.

Let yourself have your full permission to fully recognize, have, and feel your love for yourself.

Be mindful in having this take place with whoever arises to cross your mind.

Love, Dex

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling