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Introductory Video-Lectures

Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc. Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta.

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Recent Videos

Dexter Gelfand: What I Do, and Why

What we’re doing in a typical session—what the client is here participating in the session to accomplish, the factors involved, and how we get it done!


“Hey, Dex! What’s Happening with your Book?


The Wonderful Effect of Releasing Self-image Projections


The Simple Secret of Your Spiritual Compass


Understanding Your Spiritual Compass


An Amazing Technique


The Persisting Moment of Shock—Resolved!



Here’s my Explanation of How Easily You Can Be Done with your Chronic Unwanted Feelings


How I Know (and how you can develop your knowing)


I Can Help


The Casting of Damaging Self-Images on You by Others



Granting Yourself Permission


True Relevance: What the Spiritual Compass Presents


(Why) You’ve got to Accentuate the Positive (From a Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling Viewpoint)


How Power Processing made Dianetics Obsolete


Silence can be Golden in the Context of a Session!


Training/Mentoring in my Approach and Techniques with Me, over the Internet!


“Honoring Your Spiritual Compass”- New Book


“Solo Sessions”


“PTS Tech” and Truth, a Bit of the Trickery of “Standard” Scientology


Feel the Energy!


The Motivation Factor


How I Got Here


What’s Really Important!


From Identified with, to Shared, and Released


Relevance and Rabbit Holes


Who Wants to Have Fun? Part Two: Spiritual Orientation


A Breakthrough in Understanding the Mechanics of a Persona, or Identity


A “Tell” for a Master Practitioner Counselor/Therapist


How Everybody can Win in Interacting with Eachother


Let it Find You!


Its Not Complicated!


Those Horrible Shocking Moments in Your Life — Even These Can Be Relieved!


The Pitfalls of “Confessional” Questions, and How to Resolve Chronic Undesired Misbehaviors


Leah Remini’s Book, “Troublemaker” – Tells it Like it Is


How You Take on a Persona, and the Key to Deconstructing These


As the Spirit Wanes, the Form Rises


Dex is interviewed by a researcher from a UK University


The Persona: the various “Me’s” that We Present Ourselves as Being


The Shock of Betrayal


Going Down a Bad Road


You Must Justify Your Existence


Accomplishment and Purpose, vs the Trap of Seeking Comfort


Empowering Every Participant!


Who Wants to Have Fun?!


What’s Love Got to do With It?


Challenge Yourself!


Magnetic Fields (attractions to sensations and conditions), Identities, and Games


The Relevance Will Emerge


Breakthrough in Resolving PTSD


How You Can Have a Free Session



Love, Empathy, Relevance!


Let’s Talk about “The State of Clear”


When the Unwanted Condition Returns after it was “Gone”


Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling, and Psychiatric Medications


A Whole New World of Resolving Our Identities


Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling


Personality Image Projections


The Moment of Shock


Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling, My Philosophy and Application

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Public Talks

Conquering Individuation

Dex’s talk at the 2010 Freezone Convention: “Conquering Individuation”: How and why the way to enlightenment is in the direction of connecting with other viewpoints.


The Principals of Auditing in Relation to Auditing over Skype

Dex’s talk at the 2012 Freezone Convention: “The Principals of Auditing in Relation to Auditing over Skype”: In these videos, the importances and fundamentals of successful counseling using Scientology’s techniques, and where they derive from are covered, along with how Dex came to evolve to conduct sessions over the internet, and the underlying mechanics. A very lively talk with good audience participation from other practitioners.



Stubbornly Held Protective Attitudes

Dex’s Talk at the 2015 Freezone Convention regarding “Stubbornly Held Protective Attitudes”


[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Interviews” _builder_version=”3.26.6″]

Dexter Gelfand, Therapeutic Spiritual Counselor, Interviewed

Dex, as an experienced and skilled practitioner, shares his knowledge and observations.



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Subjects of Interest, in relation to Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling

Learn about particularly effective processing techniques and principles, and the mechanics behind the spiritual architectures of the mind. Interesting, enlightening and entertaining.


Energy Ownership Technique


Paralleling the Mind

Produced in December of 2012, this briefing centers around explaining Power Processing, the principles involved, and clears up some popular misconceptions.


“What is Processing?” Series

This 7 part series illuminates the basics of therapeutic spiritual counseling, and more.

1/7 What Is “Processing”: Spiritually Digesting

2/7 Positive Processing

3/7 Presence Three Identity Handling

4/7 Handling One’s Moments of Shock

5/7 The Two Facets of Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling: Negative Gain and Positive Gain

6/7 The Resolving of Unpleasant Sensations, and Understanding their Roots

7/7 Questions and Answers


Shock Handling, Optimized

Stubbornly Held Protective Attitudes – What they are, and How to Unravel:


Power Processing

Here, what is for most Scientologists both revered and mysterious, Power Processing, is explained in detail, including much enlightening information that isn’t available to those “standardly” trained on this excitingly game-changing technique, as well as advanced (but not complicated to understand) developments of the basic technique which Dex has played a key role in spearheading


Power Processing – 1/3 – The Core

Power Processing – 2/3. Dichotomies, Charged Material, Inside the Body vs Outside the Body:

Power Processing – 3/3. “Open-Flow”:


Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling

Your true inner self is too beautiful to waste your existence having it submerged beneath layers of pain, fear, inhibiting and enforcing attitude and dysfunctional defense. Come to me do the work and be free.