In my line of work, and interest, I frequently encounter beliefs and attitudes around the idea of spiritual ascension, advancement, lofty position and so forth. As Scientology, for example, did and does, so many paradigms present/indoctrinate/impose their own “chart of levels” and characteristics supposedly pertaining to this as markers or milestones to aspire to or claim as profound accomplishments. But I think that along with and embedded in these are constructs of worlds, dimensions, and existence itself in which to place these supposed “steps on the ladder to greater godhood”. In other words, I think that these religions/spiritual systems/”technologies” lure the individual into investing himself/herself in wanting to see and find the predicted/imposed/indoctrinated material presented and projected therein, so deeply as to shape the matter of their feelings and perceptions accordingly, including accepting those supposed abilities, perceptions and whatever presented manifestations as markers of genuine “spiritual advancement”, “accomplished states”. And along with this the attendant reassurance, pretensions of special status, etc.
Not that I don’t believe in spiritual advancement, on the contrary, it’s what I do. I just believe that it isn’t and shouldn’t be in any sense dependent on any externally presented or imposed titles, phrases or characteristics, “real” or otherwise. I consider those paradigms immersed in condescension or classification of and toward others, groups and individuals, projecting scenarios of being “suppressed”, “hypnotized”, “gaslighted”, etc, by unseen “evil beings” useless and detrimental trash that only reinforces unacceptance of and disconnection from others, and the world at large. These kind of projections can seem attractive, pandering to and validating our worst anxieties, relieving us of accepting what is within us that needs to be opened up to so as to process.
To me, spiritual advancement is about growing in the direction of wholeness, of opening up to co-being with all, not fighting, defending, classifying, labeling, and seeking to “escape this prison planet”, as Hubbard and his Scientology put it forth to invite others to buy into his loser philosophy that all that disturbs us is “the external hidden manipulative enemy”, thereby enticing people to be in denial of their own need to process their anxiety, and overlay that with pretensions of being his “noble superior soldiers of clearing the planet, and the only ones to penetrate the illusion” when in doing this, Hubbard was in fact being the hidden manipulative enemy, recruiting and reinforcing all those he could in his self-serving mission to try to quell his own paranoia and anxiety through binding others to his subservience.
If you truly process and thereby resolve your feelings and anxieties and worries of unacceptance and rejection from others, and then thereby open yourself to the love and connectedness that is life, then you don’t need to buy into or concoct pretensions of elevation above others.
I think the world is meant to be a playground, a wonderland full of endless possibilities, and we only need to open up to, and open up our recognition and processing of our fears and anxieties and the shields of”protective” attitude we assume instead of allowing our feelings to be felt and digest within us. We all need and want to feel safe, accepted and loved, and instead of projecting constructs and scenarios that only shield us from the openness to have and share love and acceptance, to re-examine and reevaluate all that crap to uncover increasing openness to the simple joys of being, not as something separate and distant, but in co-being with the world.
Yes indeed ,
The more I search and meditate on life, I feel the whole of existence is my playground, good ,bad or otherwise. Im starting to adopt a more solipsistic viewpoint towards life.
Is everything just a figment of my omnipotent imagination ???
Science , Religion, Philosophy have grappled with this and have been unable to provide any real evidence.
ive come to a nice place within myself to be a creator and enjoy myself.