Week 9: Stubbornly Held Protective Attitude
Introduction to module
I need to maintain the anxiety because it keeps me on my toes…
I need to expect failure so I won’t be disappointed…
I need to put up a wall around myself so I don’t get hurt…
Do any of these sound familiar? If so, these are what I refer to as Stubbornly Held Protective Attitudes.
Week 9: Stubbornly Held Protective Attitude
Introduction to module
I need to maintain the anxiety because it keeps me on my toes…
I need to expect failure so I won’t be disappointed…
I need to put up a wall around myself so I don’t get hurt…
Do any of these sound familiar? If so, these are what I refer to as Stubbornly Held Protective Attitudes.
- We develop these Attitudes because we think they hold some kind of value. That they protect us. That if we don’t have them in place, something bad will happen.
- The truth is, these Attitudes prevent you from connecting with something. And these create a distance between you and that thing. The “benefit” you believe you get from holding this Attitude is an illusion.
So what can you do to work through these Attitudes?
Actionable Tip: The ideal functional state is to be fully present for what is happening now—not needing any “programs” for how to deal with anything.
That’s a script —not live. Being completely live, present, and willing to have what is happening is where the shift occurs. This will always enable you to deal with things well.
Anytime you take on an attitude, persona, or way of being, you’re handicapping yourself. Instead, you need to process the fears you have. And for that, there is nothing more effective than being present.

To learn the full technique for Resolving a Stubbornly Held Protective Attitude, download the book section below:

To learn the full technique for Resolving a Stubbornly Held Protective Attitude, download the book section below:
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