August 26


“We only addressed one thing, but the affects seem to be bleeding over into other areas of my life”

Just an extra note to say again thanks for the great session that you gave me. Afterwards, I caught myself having more realizations, “rolling releases” I’m calling this experience. Great stuff. But something happened today that was really awesome… and that is why I am writing. I stepped out to go to the local grocer today to pick up a few things… and when I walked outside, I stopped in amazement. The world looked so different. It was brighter, sharper, and more in focus. The depth perception was so much stronger. I usually walk to the store and on my way there I couldn’t help but just look… look in all directions. So nice. So good. A brand new, clean sharp, and bright world. We only addressed one thing, but the affects seem to be bleeding over into other areas of my life. Thank you again for being the person who creates a safe and open space to communicate and learn. You are the best.


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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling