September 14


“This is exactly what I wanted!”- A small sampling from over the past year, all quotes verbatim and unsolicited.

Being that at the end of the day, what matters most is how things leave you feeling, and we all look at the prospect of sessions from the perspective of how we do and don’t want to wind up feeling, I’ve collected a sampling of my clients expressing how they feel during or at the end of their sessions with me. This is a small sampling from over the past year, all quotes verbatim and unsolicited:

“I feel calm and peaceful!” …. “I could feel the fear falling away, wow, I have a warm feeling!”… “This feels so nice! (Laughing) Wow, thank you Dex” … “Things don’t feel so disconnected or dangerous, I can trust more, this is great! Very good session!” … ”That feeling was plaguing me for three years, now its gone, I feel so relaxed I could take a nap, its a great relief!” … “I’m enjoying this right now, its like the end result of each session is better than the previous session!” … “This is the most relaxed I’ve ever felt! My heart feels lighter!” … “That sense of fear was always there for me. This is a major turning point for me!” … “Now I’m really blissed out! I appreciate myself more. This is priceless!” … “I feel lightness, new possibilities, I feel a caring for and a oneness with everything around me, and I feel lucky to have it all!” … “I feel more energy, more space, more expansive, wow! What’s next?” … “Since my last session, strangers come up to me and start talking!” … “I feel an absence of defensiveness, I’m blissed out right now!” … “Things seem more interesting!” … “Now I have the feeling that everything works out, I don’t need to worry so much anymore” … “I feel fun, lightness, not so serious, everything feels easier!” … “I feel really good, and expanded” …”I can accept myself, I love it!” … “Now I can have a relationship, for sure. That was good, I’m so glad!” … “I feel good! Lighter! Its really good!” … “I feel free and unburdened!” … “My perception of so many things I’ve encountered is so different! That feels so good!” … “I feel I’m a completely changed person since we started sessions! Its been a game-changer! I thought I was going to need anti-depressants before I called you!” … “I feel a peacefulness and harmony, and much appreciation for you, Dex!” … “I literally feel like I’ll never have that problem and that bad feeling again, I’m so excited, I can be at peace!” … “That feeling is gone! Everything feels really good! I really appreciate how incredibly good you are at this, Dex!” … “Its a great feeling, its such an improvement!” … “I can relax into just being me, it feels wonderful!” … “That attitude is gone, I feel freedom and relief!” … “It feels incredible to be done with that attitude, it was such an influential part of my mind!” … “Wow! The chest pain I’ve been having is gone, and I don’t even know what it was we we were processing anymore!” … “The thing I was so troubled about doesn’t even matter at all! Thank you Dex, that was incredibly insightful!” … “I don’t have that heightened anxiety response anymore!” … “I feel super-confident! This is exactly what I wanted!” … “I feel like me again right now! I feel really good!” … “The whole thing is resolved, you’re really good at this, its so gratifying!”

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling