June 30


The One and Only Valid Purpose for any Conducted Self Betterment Endeavor

As a therapeutic spiritual counselor, life coach, psychotherapist, mind healer, therapist, EST/Forum/Landmark, Scientology/Dianetics, meditation instructor, etc, there is only one legitimate purpose and function:

To facilitate the accomplishing of the participant’s desires and expectations of the changes they are there for.

It is not appropriate or substantially beneficial for the conductor of any betterment endeavor to have as their mission the forwarding of any other agenda, no matter how invested he or she may be in some particular group, system, belief, guru, leader or god.

It is not appropriate or substantially beneficial for the conductor of any betterment endeavor to have as their mission the traversing of some system of steps or levels to some proscribed form of enlightenment, or the forwarding of some agenda to recruit or assimilate the world into such a program.

The conductor of any betterment endeavor should purely have their “eye on the prize”, and purely envision the prize as the participant’s happiness and sense of satisfaction in accomplishing the participant’s desires and expectations of the changes they are there for, and be focused, not on how well the participant is adhering to the expectations or strictures of some paradigm or system.

If the conductor of any self-betterment endeavor is working through the filter of a system in which they are indoctrinated to follow to conform to some uniform organizational or religious structure and purpose, then they aren’t truly present for and with the participant, or dedicated to providing the participants what they are hoping and expecting to accomplish.

The session and the work should be for you. And not at all to reinforce or further the practitioner’s, beliefs, convictions or agenda.

— Love, Dex

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    In the streams of …growth, maturity, and transcendence…. made possible in our postmodern world what new, better, and more adaptable forms of …moralization, legality, and ethics…. will coincide with a greater, higher, and truer humanity for the cosmos?

    *Please disregard previous post due to textual errors.

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling