November 30


The applications of presence and relying on systems in life, an evolving balance toward a better existence

Any system, for any purpose or function, is a substitute for being present. Thereby, it is inherently limited, and not the best way to function. But because none of us is so Godlike as to never feel overwhelmed by what the moment presents,   systems can have intermediate value, as a default, as we aspire and strive in the direction of greater ability to effortlessly maintain presence throughout our existence. But nothing can ever approach the dependability of being fully present in the space of whatever may be presenting. And any system bears liabilities that will emerge from time to time in varying degrees, bringing about less than desirable circumstances. The employment of any system is an abdication of presence, and thereby greater success and all the feelings and recognition of great capability and enjoyment in life therein. The applications of presence and relying on systems in life is an evolving balance, a work in progress toward greater presence, for a better existence.

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling