April 4


A Simple Technique for Relieving Anxiety

Here’s a simple little technique I wrote for relieving anxiety. Do this repeatedly until you really feel relieved:

“Look around here and find something that is ok right where it is.”

Interpret that as you will. And find one item after another, until you completely feel relief. Its helpful, and in some cases, necessary, to have a friend work with you to keep on repeating that instruction until it is really accomplished. It doesn’t take long, but when people try things like this alone, often there is a tendency to discontinue short of the full result.

That’s my gift for you for today. 🙂


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  1. Thank you……that reminds me of a process I am just hearing about From Ron where he talks on the four states of existence and asks the person: “how does that seem to you now”.And then continues as the person looks in pt with a bit of variation from the auditor on the Q etc……GOOOD how does it seem NOW!!!! Mind blowiing discriptive process. I will run what you sent as well nice and simple. Mike

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling