October 15


Healing Your Relationship

We can often heal, fix and restore the magic of a relationshipwith the techniques of Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling for addressing relationships. You will be amazed at the difference it makes!

The Opposition Process: Addresses the whole of the interactions between the two of you, and brings out relief, understanding and acceptance. This technique alone has saved and revived troubled marriages.

Personality Image Projection Technique: you both relate through projecting set personalities onto each other, of both your partner and yourself, and you both become trapped in these. Everything changes when these are examined and undone, the effect is magical, and you are both free to be present with and for each other!

Positive Relationship Creation: Once the previous steps are accomplished, you can now actualize your dream vision for the relationship, and this is how its done!

While the above steps are done individually, there are also active co-participation steps that are done together, that will help the two of you to be an “us”, more completely than ever before.

There can also be any number of additional applications of any and all of the techniques of Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling as needed to address whatever might be impacting or impeding your relationship.

—Love, Dex

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling