Week 13: Stripping Away a False Self

Introduction to module

What does it mean to Strip Away a False Self?

In this week’s exploration of Honoring Your Spiritual Compass, I’d like to focus on this powerful concept…

Week 13: Stripping Away a False Self

Introduction to module

What does it mean to Strip Away a False Self?

In this week’s exploration of Honoring Your Spiritual Compass, I’d like to focus on this powerful concept…

  • There may be nothing that can result in more meaningful and positive change than disposing of your collection of rigid attitudes, behaviors, and feelings.
  • These elements are embedded in any false persona that subsumes your own essential presence.
  • This week, I’d like you to take a moment to consider the “False Self” that you may have manufactured over the course of your life.
  • When applied correctly, this technique has the ability to be completely life changing.

Actionable Tip: Decide on a “persona” or “self” that imposes certain behaviors, attitudes, and reactions on you. Give this persona a name—i.e., “Joe”, or “Jealous Guy”, or “Nervous Angel.” Choose whatever feels most accurate for you.

Next, determine where this persona projects from. Tune into your body. Where do you feel this “self” coming from? This could be from above your head, or in front of your body. It could also be coming from your gut or your chest.

For next steps, download this week’s book section and follow along with each prompt… by the time you finish this technique, I assure you you’ll feel more present and clear than before.

Take a deeper dive into the Stripping Away a False Self technique below….

Take a deeper dive into the Stripping Away a False Self technique below….

Next Modules:

Next Modules:

Week 14: Spiritual


Week 15: Orientation

as a Spiritual Being

Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling

Your true inner self is too beautiful to waste your existence having it submerged beneath layers of pain, fear, inhibiting and enforcing attitude and dysfunctional defense. Come to me do the work and be free.