Until we are inspired to recognize, address, process, digest and thereby dissolve our self-installed defensive programs, we are doomed to experience the same undesirable circumstances and feelings, over and over again. ...
March 25, 2025
Every new and greater gift of spiritual wholeness and emotional wellness is a treasure. Worry, anxiety, frustration, or disappointment over not having attained some unattainable absolute of perfection of being misses the point. Do not take that detour. Celebrate “better than before“! ...
March 4, 2025
Feelings are not resolved through explanation, feelings are not resolved through contributing, or finding attribution, feelings are resolved through allowing them to be thoroughly felt. ...
Don’t let you’ve accepted or concluded take precedence over what you are observing or feeling now. Remain free and open to exactly what is presenting and how it is presenting, rather than reshaping it to shoehorn it into fitting into some perspective you had invested yourself in. When you do ...
March 1, 2025
Consideration, empathy and politeness are reflections of recognition of our us-ness, our shared presence, our togetherness. Anything less is fear based defensive denial. ...
Each moment and circumstance is unique, and should only be experienced directly and not through projections and filters of personal attitude. It seems most people crave some kind of pre-empting way of seeing things so that they don’t have to experience being present in the new and unfamiliar moment. “There ...
January 10, 2025
Trying to resist the things you don’t want to feel blocks you from digesting the things that you need to have complete their flowing through you. Resisting includes wrongly characterizing a feeling as being “too much to handle“. This is a debilitating and crippling projection. ...
Resistance of feelings is resistance of being. Resistance blocks presence. Your mental, emotional and spiritual no fly zones are your refusals to be. Expand yourself and thus regain wholeness through the direction of having all that presents within your presence. ...
January 3, 2025
Each of us is vulnerable to things that someone not walking in our shoes might not be able to understand. But with a little work and a little time, these things can be overcome. ...
Sometimes it is incumbent upon you to reconsider who it is that you have committed yourself to being in favor of who you really are. ...
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