
The ultimate solution in life is to allow yourself to simply have the presence of that which you are trying to eliminate or solve, and thusly feel it fade to nothing within you. ...

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In my line of work, and interest, I frequently encounter beliefs and attitudes around the idea of spiritual ascension, advancement, lofty position and so forth. As Scientology, for example,  did and does, so many paradigms present/indoctrinate/impose their own “chart of levels” and characteristics supposedly pertaining to this as markers or ...

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The terms and concepts of internal and external are merely a projection of boundaries; these are the expressions of resistance, which in turn is the expression of fear. ...

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Notice when your anxiety and resistance has pushed you out of your natural internal flow , bringing an uncomfortable sensation of misalignment of attention, direction and movement. Relax all movement, close your eyes and feel into and allow your internal flows and energies and and settle in, and feel the ...

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We are and feel complete only when we are maintaining presence of all, as we experience the physical dimension which presents an illusion of distance and separation, begging feelings of anxiety and struggling. Feeling fully present and completely at ease with all that is should be, and naturally is an ...

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Our “protections“, the ways of being that we adopt to try to shield us from what feels unbearable, act to lock in and maintain undesirable conditions and states of being. ...

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If you behave in such a way as to devalue me, I will not reciprocate and do the same to you, because that is not my game. I will disengage from your playing field so as to not invest myself in such activity. Sometimes the only way to truly win ...

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling

Your true inner self is too beautiful to waste your existence having it submerged beneath layers of pain, fear, inhibiting and enforcing attitude and dysfunctional defense. Come to me do the work and be free.