June 10


On Telepathy

Personal experience had made it clear to me some time ago that telepathy is a fact, but until recently I didn’t put much thought into how to help people to develop their own such abilities. Now I’m putting my observations to the test in piloting such a technique, and there are clear signs of success, as this work in progress continues.

I will share some observations here, some of which may (or may not) be obvious to you:

(1) Telepathy, more commonly, is naturally strongest between people who are in good rapport or harmony with each other, people who are very close.

(2) One reason there is little success when attempting to prove or demonstrate such abilities (although I have both had and observed such success) is that when someone has a hostile attitude about it, they tend to put out an opposing energy that can deflect the necessary harmony.

(3) Thoughts, or the presence of a consciousness, is a far more subtle manifestation than normal light and sound, and can be difficult or impossible to notice or be sensitive to in the presence of such environmental stimulation. Just as if you walk into a relatively dark room from outdoor sunshine, it can take some time for your eyes to adjust to be sensitive enough to see well, it can take some time in a quiet, nondistracting environment to notice things as relatively subtle as thoughts and consciousnesses.

(4) Consciousnesses are easier to perceive than thoughts; a rough analogy might be to how sun rays of are less intense than looking at the sun itself.

(5) One key to developing one’s own natural telepathic abilities can be successfully giving oneself permission to have such abilities; it can take any amount of processing of one’s own particular mental/emotional/spiritual architectures to make such skills accessible, or more accessible.

If you would like to participate in sessions for this purpose, I am now accepting clients. Stay tuned for further developments!

— Love, Dex

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  1. Hello David, thanks for your comments, I can already see that there is more to know and learn, and take into account on this subject and in this endeavor, and one thing I’m sure off, there will be fun involved!

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling