April 12


“I’ve had three sessions with Dex in person, and four over Skype…”

Here’s something one of my good friends and PC’s, Rusty Champion, has to share: “I’ve had three sessions with Dex in person, and four over Skype. Dex quickly cleaned up auditing errors from past Auditors and C/S’s, he goes right to them, He’s awesome! He’s without a doubt the best auditor I’ve ever had, and I’ve had many-many hours of professional auditing from some very good Auditors in the past.

Nothing personal Dex, but I prefer Skype Vs. in person with you, the gains are the same, maybe better because I can smoothly schedule regular sessions into my busy life without attention on, taking time off and the 500 mile trip and Hotel expenses. Then when you have a persistent F/N for days, (and that’s common with Dex) you really would rather be at home being productive.
Thank You Dexter!”

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling