July 16


“I felt the bigger presence that is within me. I feel different. Better.”

Many of my clients are practitioners themselves. Their perspective is always interesting. ET came to me primarily to ask questions and learn a few things from me, as I commonly mentor other practitioners in my approach and techniques. This is what she had to say after her session with me:

Hi Dexter, I want to let you know that since our session two days ago I feel much more connected to myself, something bigger shifted and I know I’m still processing it as I’m sweating during the night, almost beaming. After the session, I felt an immense peace and I just wanted to stay in my energy, in that place, I didn’t want to get distracted by TV, internet, talking to my partner.

I went out for a walk and started to feel myself on a much deeper level. I really see how we can integrate ourselves more and more,  the work in that matter doesn’t end. What I do know is that the more of the work I do, the more I connect to my Essence which is Love (and other good things too :)). When I woke up yesterday morning, there was a bigger energy to me, as if a part of me is missing and could feel that part of my energy is gone…I felt the lack of it.. or better, I felt the bigger presence that is within me. I feel different. Better. And I am really grateful for the session you gave me.

I definitely want to find more effective ways to serve my clients than pure Dianetics and other modalities that I’ve learned. You make it as you go, you have the tools and then you make up the process by what’s going on with your client in a present moment, there is no specific structure and that’s where your intuition and wisdom serve you so well so you can serve others. It was beautiful to witness that.

Thank you once again as the session was powerful.

July 12, 2018

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling