May 28


Deb’s Story –“ I had been suicidal for years”

(Deb responded to my posted offer to help anyone in need, regardless of ability to pay. I gave her a session, and she sent me several messages over the next few days, as she continued to have realizations, her universe realigning over that time. This is what Deb had to say)

“It was hard to find words directly after session, it had to settle a bit. This session, my attention went from the room, bang, to my body, which I have been ignoring. I found a lot of thoughts about it, like it’s too old to attract a husband and I am lonely. There were other electronic things that happened, I don’t know how to describe them.

I found some decisions I made that shouldn’t be there. Actually so many thoughts went whoosh so fast, I didn’t catch them all, but I keyed out. The space changed, my kids art work popped out, with a cheerful emotion.

I as-ised some other thoughts that were there. It goes too fast sometimes. The artwork popped out from the walls. Grief came up. A lower back somatic turned on and blew off.

I have been confused since I quit the official gulag (I wont call it a church). I just got some faith back with the tech with this session. I have been upset because I lost my church. I lost what I thought it should be, that I could never find it again.

More thoughts are happening, and more grief is falling off. I found I have to change things. I want to surround myself with people who aren’t antagonistic to the tech. I realized that I had started to sound antagonistic myself.

I realized that I had been suicidal for years, I remembered driving, and wishing the car would fall over the cliff, this has been ‘underneath’ in my universe for a while. Now I’m feeling better. Not so hopeless. I have been too depressed, with a terrible feeling of hopelessness.

It’s all starting to pull together. I will keep writing these things down, as more things are rolling off. After session, I just wanted to run next door to the park and take a walk. Today I walked for hours. The lightening looked different today, actually the earth felt different under my feet!

Thank you, Dex!


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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling