June 29


“Damn. It’s amazing how effective Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling has been”

“Damn. It’s amazing how effective Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling has been”“Damn. It’s amazing how effective Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling has been in helping me to achieve clear goals which I am setting for myself in the area of work life. While I am still fairly young (in my mid-30s) I have experienced about 10 years of choppy professional history-being fired, laid off, seeing my position “be eliminated”, and more.

When I was put on my fourth action plan in my professional career, I decided to take it to Dex, although my motivations for coming to him lay elsewhere. While I’m not “out of the woods”, and off my plan, YET (!!!!) we have been doing great work in clearing along the way!

Earlier this week, about five days out from a big goal, I was feeling discouraged. All of my Stubbornly Held Protective Attitudes were tearing their head. Dex graciously scheduled me at the last minute (not something I would normally ask my professor to do!!) and we worked on what was presenting for about two hours. I felt much better, and was able to keep going at work.

Today, a SATURDAY, I am in the office after think I’d failed to realize my goals. I had miscounted and made one other small error – I have SURPASSED my goal, even after being thrown a bit of a curve ball at the end of the week on Friday.

Thanks, Dex. I look forward to reporting back when this action plan is completed …. and gone for GOOD!!!  Thank you!”

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling