February 22


The Importance of Emphasizing Positives and Encouraging the Participant to Challenge Himself/Herself

A very important aspect of making strides is for the participant not to merely “wait for it to happen through therapeutic sessions”, but to continually “push the envelope”, that is to go right ahead and challenge himself or herself to go beyond what currently seems approachable or experienceable to extend reach, push the boundaries back and claim more territory in the direction of the goal or purpose.

Indeed, the main factor of the degree of success any participant will have is their drive to achieve their goals and purposes, and so this drive must be recognized, appreciated, invited and encouraged, and the counselor should draw attention to and validate the participant’s drive to accomplish their goals and purposes both in and outside of the sessions, and the participant should be encouraged and reminded to go ahead and challenge himself or herself and always go a bit further in taking gradual steps in life to make progress in the actions related to accomplishing these things day by day, to find out that the next hurdle is not so formidable, then and be congratulated for doing so, regardless of the results, so as not to be discouraged and/or accept perceived limitations or barriers.

Draw attention to the goals, not the barriers; the barriers present readily enough, and so must be counter balanced by refocusing on the goals.

Love, Dex

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling