July 8


“Dex, our last session was an incredible shot in the arm”

Foamy rocks in ocean
credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net/Evgeni Dinev

LF, who is a dedicated seeker with definite personal and spiritual goals, as well as an active practitioner with his own clients, recently came aboard as my client, having had a good amount of prior session experience in a few different related processing modalities. It is always very gratifying to see and hear how others are benefiting from their own practitioners who in turn have learned aspects of their craft from me, and LF has gains to share, from both perspectives:

“Dex, our last session was an incredible shot in the arm. My own client started having MUCH better sessions after I dropped my over-acknowledging and the trained-in habit of repeating the commands and let her run each question until she was done with everything she had to say and just being there for her, as you’ve been doing with me. We actually handled something we had been dealing with for a long time. She said “I finally have a big piece of the puzzle.” She felt more whole. It was really an amazing win for her. I told her she needed to thank you, mostly becauseI was so thankful to you for helping me get her that win.

Since our session I’ve realized several things. “Others go victim to my big-ness” unfolded into my unwillingness to put others at effect and to  not go victim to others. That finally lead me to realize I was being a rock. Again, as in session, so many pieces and fragments of things I’ve looked at over the past few years started making so much more sense.”
LF, July 2015

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Therapeutic Spiritual Counseling